Provincial Team Leads

Souraya Sidani, Toronto Metropolitan University
Souraya Sidani is a Full Professor at the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing and Canada Research Chair in Design and Evaluation of Health Interventions. Her areas of expertise are in quantitative research methods, intervention design and evaluation, and measurement. Souraya’s research interests focus on evaluating interventions and advanced practice roles, on examining patient preferences for treatments, and on refining research methods and measures for determining the clinical effectiveness of interventions.

Oona St-Amant, Toronto Metropolitan University
Oona St-Amant is an Associate Professor in the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing. Oona’s program of research examines various forms of unpaid care work. She has used a variety of ethnographic methods to examine the various intersections of culture, sociopolitical intersections of culture, sociopolitica and economic aspects of care.
Community Partners

Rashed Afif, Wesley Urban Ministries, Hamilton
Rashed Afif is an experienced leader, social worker, and long-time newcomer advocate. He is the Director of Newcomers, Residential and Community Services at Wesley Urban Ministries where he oversees several programs, including the Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP), Client Support Services (CSS), Wesley Residential Services, and Wesley Senior Programs. He takes pride in helping provide client-centered, strength-based services to vulnerable populations in his community. Rashed holds a Master of Social Work (MSW) from University of Windsor, and a Diploma in Leadership Development from Morning Star Institute of Leadership. His commitment to community is fuelled by social justice, anti-racism, and anti-oppression practices.

Andrea Austen, Senior Services, City of Toronto
Andrea Austen is the Manager of Seniors Services at the City of Toronto, a role that was established to better integrate city services for seniors including the 83 Toronto Community Housing (TCHC) seniors’ buildings. Andrea has been leading Toronto’s age-inclusive work since 2011 and has a deep understanding of the needs of seniors across the health, social service, community and municipal service systems. Andrea leads the development of the Accountability Framework (approved by City Council in October 2020), to oversee and evaluate a new model of integrating housing and health services for seniors in TCHC’s seniors designated buildings.

Eugenia Canas, Centre for Research on Health Equity and Social Inclusion (CRHESI), London

Corina Carvallo, Skills for Change of Metro Toronto
Andrea Austen is the Manager of Seniors Services at the City of Toronto, a role that was established to better integrate city services for seniors including the 83 Toronto Community Housing (TCHC) seniors’ buildings. Andrea has been leading Toronto’s age-inclusive work since 2011 and has a deep understanding of the needs of seniors across the health, social service, community and municipal service systems. Andrea leads the development of the Accountability Framework (approved by City Council in October 2020), to oversee and evaluate a new model of integrating housing and health services for seniors in TCHC’s seniors designated buildings.

Michelle Dellamora, Age-friendly Network London (AFNL)
Michelle Dellamora is a Manager, Policy & Strategic Issues, in Neighbourhood, Children,and Fire Services with the City of London. She oversees London’s Age Friendly initiative and has supported its network for the past seven years. She continues to enjoy working with its many volunteers and member organizations. Michelle holds a Master’s degree in Health Sciences from Western University.

Samya Hasan, Council of Agencies Serving South Asians (CASSA), Toronto
Samya Hasan has been working with the Council of Agencies Serving South Asians since 2015 and is currently the Executive Director. Samya has a Master of Public Policy and has written policy papers on transportation, immigration and race relations, childcare, housing, international development, economic development and innovation, and health care. Prior to working with CASSA, Samya worked at the Affordable Housing Office at the City of Toronto and was a Toronto Urban Fellow for the City of Toronto during which she worked at the Municipal Licensing and Standards division, conducting by-law reviews of business industries in Toronto.

Anna V. Wong
Anna Victoria Wong is a journalist and doctor in speech-language pathology by training, and health executive and community advocate by profession. She spent years in communications in corporate, public, academic, health and social service sectors. Dr. Wong is the executive director of Community Family Services of Ontario (CFSO), which provides East-Asian Ontarians with mental health, newcomer settlement, disabilities and special needs services. Wong and CFSO are known for serving socio-politically oppressed Hongkongers through IRCC’s Hong Kong Pathway.
Academic Partners

Melissa Northwood, McMaster University, Hamilton
Melissa Northwood is an RN and Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing at McMaster University. The focus of her research is health-care system integration for older adults with clinical complexity and their caregivers and is informed by her clinical practice as a certified gerontological nurse. Prior to joining McMaster, Melissa held a Canadian Institutes of Health Research-funded health system impact post-doctoral fellowship with the Saint Elizabeth Health Research Centre and the University of Waterloo.

Margaret Walton-Roberts
Bharati Sethi is an Associate Professor at Kings College, School of Social Work, Western University. She is also an Adjunct Professor at the Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing at Western University. She utilizes participatory action research and arts-based methods to highlight social determinants of health in immigrants and refugees’ lives as they pertain to issues of social justice. Bharati’s research has earned her several prestigious community and academic awards including the Early Career Researcher Award, Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship, Hilary Weston Graduate Scholarship, Ontario Women’s Health Scholar Award, Newcomer Champion Provincial Award, Citizens Award, and a Governor General’s Award.

Jenny Ploeg, McMaster University, Hamilton
Jenny Ploeg is Full Professor in the School of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University. She is Co-Scientific Director of the Aging, Community and Health Research Unit. Her research interests focus on the development, implementation and evaluation of health care services for older adults with multiple chronic conditions and their family caregivers. Jenny has extensive experience in qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research.

Bharati Sethi, Western University, London
Bharati Sethi is an Associate Professor at Kings College, School of Social Work, Western University. She is also an Adjunct Professor at the Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing at Western University. She utilizes participatory action research and arts-based methods to highlight social determinants of health in immigrants and refugees’ lives as they pertain to issues of social justice. Bharati’s research has earned her several prestigious community and academic awards including the Early Career Researcher Award, Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship, Hilary Weston Graduate Scholarship, Ontario Women’s Health Scholar Award, Newcomer Champion Provincial Award, Citizens Award, and a Governor General’s Award.

John Shields, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto
John Shields ia tenured Full Professor with over twenty-five years of university teaching and research experience in the areas of public administration and public policy, Canadian politics, the political economy of labour market and welfare state. John is also a member of the Yeates School of Graduate Studies at Toronto Metropolitan University. John will lead the ICOI Economic Inclusion Research Stream.

Zhixi Zhuang, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto
Zhixi Zhuang is a Registered Professional Planner and an Associate Professor at Toronto Metropolitan University’s School of Urban and Regional Planning. Her passion for city- and community-building has sparked her research interests in topics related to ethnocultural diversity, migration and cities, and ethnic entrepreneurship and placemaking. Her research explores how immigrant and racialized communities have made long-lasting impacts in urban landscapes inscribing places with important cultural, historical, and political meanings. Zhixi’s research addresses the importance of adopting equity-based approaches to engaging immigrant and racialized communities in decision-making.

Kateryna Metersky, Toronto Metropolitan University
Dr. Kateryna Metersky is an Assistant Professor at the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing at Toronto Metropolitan University. Dr. Metersky also maintains her nursing practice in General Internal Medicine at Toronto Western Hospital. Dr. Metersky’s program of research focuses on: 1) health professions and nursing education; 2) nursing and interprofessional practice; and 3) persons with chronic health and social challenges. Fittingly her research program is focused on integration of her SRC work in pedagogy and practice to promote social justice, health-equity, and local/global community well-being.

Raktim Mitra
Raktim Mitra is an Associate Professor in the School of Urban and Regional Planning, at Toronto Metropolitan University and co-director of TransForm – the transportation and land use planning research laboratory at TMU. His research interests focus on Active Living and Healthy Communities. Raktim has published widely on the topics of suburban walkability, transportation accessibility and older adults’ wellbeing.